- DEMO -
In the example, we can see an arduino Decimilia sending data through can bus (Poti =>ADC=>can bus) against our Can Display Module which is controlling the screen. We have simulated 4 possible controllers:
Do you need a display or any kind of solution based on BUS CAN?
We can offer you a HDI (Human Display Interface) customized based on your requirementes ( CAN, RS485, RS232, GPRS, TouchScreen, Analog Inputs, Outputs,...) as well we are opened to new challenges, just let us know what, and we will tell you how. You will receive a friendly and personal treatment with us in order to solve your specific needs.
.- DEMO -
In the example, we can see an arduino Decimilia sending data through can bus (Poti =>ADC=>can bus) against our Can Display Module which is controlling the screen. We have simulated 4 possible controllers:
- RPMs
- Battery Level
- Gear
- Speed
- ATMega 1280 with MCP2515 can bus controller (Up to 1 Mbit/s)
- Can 2.0 a/b
- Big GLDC Display 4.3'' (240x128 dots)
- SunLight Readable technology
- Flash Memory: 128 Kb
- SRAM: 8Kb
- EEPROM: 4 Kb
- Clock Speed: 16 MHz
- 16 Analog Inputs (10 bits)
- USB <-> RS232 converter (FTDI)
White Backlight
Watch video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZGxynxNAlM
CHECK THE NEW SECUduino PROJECT => http://secuduino.blogspot.com/
Hola Igor, este LCD lo tienes montado tu? es que veo que esta todo en ingles.
ResponderEliminarEs complicado de programar/conectar?
puedes darnos mas detalles del codigo, conexiones, etc
Claro, ese video es de un montaje mio.
ResponderEliminarDe momento, no he preparado nada de documentación o explicaciones de este montaje....
estamos anciosos por ver informacion de este fantastico proyecto, el mejor que e visto en internet!!!!!
Es un proyecto muy interesante! Yo estoy haciendo el proyecto de final de carrera sobre el bus can i tengo algun problema con la lectura. Que me podrias mostrar el programa que has utilizado? Gracias!
ResponderEliminarLooking for a simple CAN bus J1939 display that can display some preset pgn/spn. Something we can ship a customer of our product to verify that it is working okay by seeing the values from the messages. Probably 3 to 5 units at the most. Any interest?
ResponderEliminarPlease contact us to secuduino@gmail.com
EliminarHola Igor, veo que has utilizado Secuduino, el cual ya creo que no esta disponible, como haces para simular el CANbus? es decir la entrada de datos, y un me podrias recomendar un buen sniffer?